Veronica Armstrong

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DIY Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Now you know I am not crafty. Please believe I am not pretending or attempting to be some sort of faux crafty goddess. When it comes to crafts I manage to both suck and blow at the same time. It's pretty shameful but I have managed to overcome my clumsy crafting impediments out of desperation. I am home alone with two toddlers all day almost e v e r y d a y and those hours must be filled with some fun, laughs, and learning. Pine cone bird feeders are a huge hit around here. The kids have fun gathering the cones during walks, enjoy getting messy putting the bird feeders together, and Preston loves watching the birds (or greedy squirrels) eat from them. It's an inexpensive way to spend time outdoors with the kids and teach them a little bit about nature. My kids' major takeaway is that squirrels are tools. It's a good lesson, they really can be and it's best they learn young.

DIY Pine Cone Bird Feeder


  • Pine Cones
  • Crisco
  • Peanut Butter
  • Wild Bird Seed
  • String, Yarn, or Twine
  • Butter knife


  • Tie strong, yarn, or twine around the top of the pine cone (sometimes I forget and do this last which gets messy)
  • Coat pine cone in Crisco using butter knife
  • Repeat step above with peanut butter
  • Roll cone in birdseed
  • Hang from tree


Super easy and guaranteed to keep your kids entertained for a little while. Oh, I did have to buy a huge bag of bird seed because it was all I could find but I didn't mind since the kids love making these so much. Birds and squirrels are always hungry so I'm sure that giant bag will get used throughout the summer and fall.

Try it out and let me know what you think.