Veronica Armstrong

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Fugly Shoes, Horny Makeup & Mr. Noodle: Things That Got My Goat This Week

I have really missed writing these posts. I find it hard to get riled up these days and am not too sure why. I suspect it is because I leave the house much less frequently now that I stay home with the kids but never fear my friends, with warmer weather comes more contact with the outside world and presumably a lot more goat getting. Lelli Kelly Shoes

lelli kelly shoes

Okay I know that I do not have the most feminine of tastes at times but seriously what the hell is going on here? These shoes are awful! Or maybe they aren't? Maybe I am the problem. I have no idea but I can tell you that this is precisely the kind of thing that always scared me about having a daughter.

Some parents worry about teen pregnancy. I worry about my daughter wearing sandals that look like some sort of bedazzled fiesta unicorn excrement. No thank you. Is it me or are these $69.00 shoes hideous? I know for a fact that God will punish me and C will be begging for these as soon as she is able to crawl into Neiman Marcus but for now these shoes got my goat. Too fug for words.

Nars Makeup

nars super orgasm blush

It all started with the Orgasm blush. The name wasn't an issue since the color was so beautiful. As the years went by I grew more and more attached to the Nars brand but then I noticed something: dirty and filthy makeup names. Orgasm, Super Orgasm, Sex Appeal, and DEEP THROAT! Come one now I know that I am the coolest person on the planet (its true. My mom said so.) but I have zero interest in sounding like one of those Atlantic City HBO documentary hookers when I am at the makeup boutique.

Whatever happened to perfectly acceptable names like Georgia peach? or Ribbon candy? I don't know. Something appropriate for an old lady like me. I am not a prude but this whole schtick is lame and played out. Cut it out Nars. Unless you are targeting Atlantic City hookers I would like a return to normal makeup names. Not that there is anything wrong with makeup for hookers but do hookers really spend $27 on blush? Seems like a waste since they work in the dark mostly but anyway I digress. Knock it off Nars!

Mr. Noodle

mr noodle

I am sure that he is a perfectly nice man or clown or whatever he is supposed to be but would you let your kids hang out with this guy?

Could they make Mr. Noodle any more creepy? Is it the hair? The silence? The oversized clothing?

I have no idea but this is the exact kind of dude I was taught to avoid at the park.

Mr. Noodle always gets my goat.





What Got Your Goat this week?



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