Breastfeeding is not creepy. SHE is.
UK Parenting Magazine Deputy Editor Calls Breastfeeding "Creepy" I am not one of the Lactivists that believes in sweetly bringing people over to my side of the breastfeeding cause. I am tired of the myth of the "Breastfeeding Nazi" and radical militant Lactivist. Where are these women that are forcing vulnerable new mothers to breastfeed regardless of medical, societal, and personal issues?
There is no milk mafia. Blundell is defensive because she knows she is wrong. Formula is not poison but it is far from optimal. Those of us that formula feed (Yes. I currently formula feed but i will expound on that later) are fully aware that what we are providing out children is second to breastmilk. We love our children no less however due to circumstances beyond our control we welcome the second tier nutritional supplement.