Mamás para Huggies. Snug & Dry Diapers and Natural Care Wipes Review.

Huggies have always been a part of Cameron's life. She's always been vocal about her preferences and straight up rejected my entire cloth diaper stash as an infant. We use Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers & Natural Care Wipes because they work for our always on the go & usually super messy lifestyle.

I'm a fairly brand loyal person but I've strayed from Huggies a few times out of desperation (had to borrow a diaper from a friend or grab one on the go at the pediatrician's office) but I've always gone back to our trusted brand.

Cameron is Preston's polar opposite. She *loves* making messes, eats nonstop, and never stops moving. Huggies diapers keep my girl comfortably dry thanks to their " Leak Lock" which pulls wetness in and keeps it off her skin. I didn't take the decision to use disposable diapers lightly. I was extremely paranoid about skin irritation and leaks but I haven't been disappointed. I'll use Huggies until Cameron is potty-trained.

Choosing wipes was also a bit of a struggle for me. I have to make everything hard for myself. I know. I use cloth wipes when possible but they aren't always a practical choice. I use Huggies wipes when there is an epic mess (all the time), I'm on the go, when all my cloth wipes are in the laundry and so on. My kids and I have super sensitive skin and the Huggies wipes don't irritate our skin. That is a huge bonus. They've also never ripped mid job. That's a big deal. No one wants their hand to poke through a wipe mid diaper change if you know what I'm saying.


Oh! The wipes are always awesome for cleaning my white (kind of white at this point) microfiber couch. I'm serious. They work like you wouldn't believe. I often wipe my leather purse down with them too. Somehow there are always a few rogue milk specks on my beloved handbag. Huggies wipes make them disappear.

I'm super psyched to work with Huggies as one of their Mamás para Huggies because I'm a customer and a fan. Their products make my life as a parent a little easier and I'm thankful. So is my couch.

For more information about the improvements made to Huggies® Snug & Dry Diapers and Huggies® Wipes, visit Huggies on Facebook. Try them for yourself on your everyday messes.

Or mine. I could always use a hand :)


Wiping up a mess on the go. 


He broke into his sister's diaper stash & threw a little party.


Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies. However, all opinions expressed are my own and honest.