I got in front of the camera. Finally.

I don't show my face often around here. I'm usually dressed like a hobo, I take terrible self portraits, and I just plain old don't like looking at myself. I know the kids will grow up someday and wonder why mommy was never in any of the pictures so I am trying to get in more shots. My professional photographer friend Amanda McCulloch was kind enough to shoot the pictures below for my family during a play date last week. Isn't she talented?


Oh, and please excuse my husband's face. The man used to model but apparently is too cool to SMILE during our only professional shots as a couple. Bum. He owes me for that one.

ALSO we were on the way to the mall to get Preston some boat shoes. His sneakers totally don't match but I don't mind because he lives in his Jordans. They're his favorite.

AND I am a fool. It was over 75 degrees that day. Everyone was dressed for an unseasonably warm Spring day. At the beach? Not so much. What do you get? A mishmash of Spring outfits and winter coats. Oh well.

Life isn't staged and neither were these. Absolute perfection.