MBA Life and assorted ramblings.

Well, my husband has formally accepted his internship offer. We are headed to Indianapolis in a little over two months. I am psyched. I visited with him a few months ago and fell in love with the city. It is clean, has a ton of heavenly amenities (everything from Steak and Shake to Saks 5th Avenue), and a ridiculously drool inducing cost of living. The company he will be working for is highly respected in the area and is known for treating its employees well. It is definitely a blessing. I am super happy for him and really hope it ends up being our final destination BUT I now know better than to plan on that. Things change very quickly and he hasn't even begun his internship yet so I am taking it easy. I don't want to be disappointed and honestly I am happy to live anywhere if it means that it is the best opportunity for our family. I mentioned last week that my husband was selected for the London study abroad opportunity. We are leaving next January and very much looking forward to it. We will return in March or April. We haven't decided whether to stay an extra month (LSoE semester is shorter than Cornell's) or return early and save the money for a post graduation/pre new job family vacation. My husband might visit London soon to find an apartment. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It is an additional expense and in 2012 one would think that his could be done via the internet but he may have a point. It might be less stressful for me upon arrival if he goes and scouts apartments personally but I would rather save that money for some shopping at Harrod's.

My husband has promised me my first ever first class flight which I am very much intrigued by but I am a notoriously terrible flier. I pray loudly, cry quietly, and whimper at the first sign of turbulence. He is kind of a saint for handling it so well. If I were him I would demand to sit far, far away from me. The prospect of first class seats has not done anything to ease my terror at the thought of flying with a two and three-year old but why start worrying now right? I've got plenty of time to stress out.

The kids are great, my husband is stressed out but well, and I am hanging on.


cute toddler girl