Moving Week & What's Happening

It hasn't been long but I've missed you guys! I guess blogging has finally become a serious habit because I I haven't written much lately since we are moving this week. Thursday morning at 4:00 a.m. my family and I will embark upon our longest road trip yet. Ten hours together in our SUV as we head from Ithaca, New York to Indianapolis, Indiana. We are all very excited. The kids are used to long trips in the car and my husband and I hope that our super early departure will ensure that the kids stay asleep for at least half the trip. Cross your fingers for us and feel free to leave your road trip tricks in the comments below.

I'm documenting our trip for my blog, a super awesome photography project I'll share later this month, and some cute travel journals I am starting for the kids. I'll try to pop in here and there to check in but have some great guest posts lined up for this week.

There are a ton of things I want to share with you but since I *know* Cameron will be up soon I'll be brief.

Time for some blog-cleaning and mind clearing:

  • Sign up for my monthly newsletter. I promise it will be awesome. I am working on a free e-book for subscribers (hint: it's photography related and addresses many of the questions I receive from friend and readers). I hope to send the first newsletter in June and am working hard to make it sparkle. Just for you.
  • I bought some film for my Polaroid camera. The first two shots were overexposed since I didn't shield them from the sunlight quickly enough. I was unable to take any more pictures. I have no idea what's wrong and haven't had the time to investigate. I really hope I am able to figure it out because the film and filter weren't cheap but more importantly I was super excited. Grr.
  • We had another playdate with my photographer friend Amanda. It was a vintage theme stylized shoot and it was awesome. Preston loves Amanda's son and wanted to say goodbye before our summer trip to Indiana. It was a great day.
  • I am back in the swing of things with my ice cream maker! I love that thing. Do you have one? Any favorite recipes?
  • My first photography session went well. My client was a classmate of my husband's and his wife They bid on a session with me during the school's annual auction. It was super flattering and I couldn't wait to work with them. Our shoot took place ay Buttermilk Falls during the golden hour on Saturday. I learned a ton and will definitely have more to share.
  • My e-course obsession continues. Obviously I'm a filthy, awful liar who can't keep promises to herself but whatever, at least I'm learning and not out spray painting buildings during my free time. Right? RIGHT!
  • I drank too much coffee today. Can you tell?
  • OH, we toured my husband's professor's vineyard on Sunday and WOW it was gorgeous. We sipped on a few wines, enjoyed lunch at the professor's home, drove around the lake, and had crazy amounts of fun.
  • Thanks for all the comments and emails. I hope to get caught up during the car ride on Thursday. You guys are awesome xo
keuka lake vineyard

keuka lake vineyard

keuka lake vineyard

toddler girl smiling

toddler boy slide

Happy Monday.