On the road. Again.

Well, we're on the road again. First stop: North Country region of New York to visit my husband's family. We're enjoying some quality time with my husband's Mom, Dad, Grandma, & Grandpa. Then we will hit up Vermont to visit some friends. After that we will spend a few days in Massachusetts with my family and then it's on to my first kid free weekend ever in New York City at the Blogher Conference with my main homie Joanna. It's crazy. I'm already exhausted but ohmygod there is so much to look forward to. I'll be all up on here sharing everything.

My sweet husband stopped at the Thousand Islands Region in New York (that's right it's more than a salad dressing. who knew?!? not me) so the kids could play and I could take a few snapshots.


Come on man...look at me!


Cameron loves to pose. Lucky me :)


 Such a pretty place. I love water. Alexandria Bay, New York.


Have a great weekend.